We are
a group of young Indonesian researchers with different and diverse abilities that having a common interest—Herpetology—to work together and learn from each other. “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” in Old Javanese, which means “Unity in Diversity”, is the official national motto of Indonesia.
Our Vision & Mission
We envision a world where people understand, value, and conserve the herpetofauna on Earth.
Our mission is a globally diverse community of professionals, students and their supporters serve as a leading voice for the herpetological research and conservation of Asia’s herpetofaunal diversity.
Meet Our Team

A.A. Thasun, PhD

Amir Hamidy, PhD.

Awal Riyanto, MSc.

Rury Eprilurahman, PhD.

Donan Satria, MSc.

Alamsyah Herlambang, MSc.

Efendi Sabinhaliduna, MSc.

Huda Wiradarma, MSc.

Fajar Kaprawi, MSc.





