The herpetology collection of the University of Indonesia – Museum of Zoology (UIMZ) has been managed by the Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC), Institute for Sustainable Earth & Resources (ISER), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Indonesia (UI) since August 2015.

Part of this collection is currently deposited at the Zoology Museum under Department of Biology, FMIPA, UI and some part (including type specimens) is deposited at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense (MZB), Cibining, Indonesia.
Most of the samples of this collection are amphibians and collected from Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Bawean, Bali, Moluccas, and Sulawesi during the climate change expeditions operated by the RCCC-UI. Most of the specimens were collected by Dr. A.A. Thasun, Mr. C. Adha Putra, late Mr. F. Alhadi. If you wish to examine this collection, please contact the collection manager at least one month prior to your visit.
Collection Manager: A. A. Thasun, PhD.